The road to a happier you – part 1

by | Mar 6, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Positive psychology research tells us that although genetics do play some part in how happy we are generally, our own actions can influence 40% of our happiness levels. For anyone out there that wants to improve their life, this is great news. So what steps can we take to improve our well-being?

The first five areas I work with clients to improve their overall life satisfaction are:

Taking time out for yourself

We are all so busy with long lists of things to do for work, our family and others. We run here there and everywhere and can find ourselves exhausted at the end of the day, possibly dreading the start of the next. One of the hardest things I find is to convince people to prioritise themselves occasionally. However, just as you can’t cook a good meal without heading to the shops to restock the fridge occasionally, you are not doing yourself or anyone else any favours if you don’t attend to your own needs occasionally. Do you need some down time with a book? To indulge in some spa pampering, or just have a coffee with a friend you haven’t seen for ages? Book it in, restock your energy and start afresh.

Focus on the positives

Our mind can be drawn very easily to the negatives in life – what didn’t go well, someone’s rudeness, a deadline missed. This can leave us in a very negative mindset, seeing the world as a glass half empty. By practicing gratitude, by reflecting on what has gone well each day or keeping a gratitude journal, we can switch that mindset, training our brain to look for the positives first. Of all the positive psychology interventions you can do, cultivating gratitude has one of the longer lasting effects on happiness.

Discover your purpose

Finding something of value in what you do and working towards some form of meaningful goal can lead you to engage more fully with your actions. Take some time out and think about what you want to achieve in your life, or what you would like to be remembered for and every day you can move yourself a little closer to this. A clear sense of purpose or meaning, can give you the motivation to move forward when you come across short-term barriers in your path.

Take some time each day to exercise

Even if it is just parking a the far end of the car park, so that you have a longer walk to your destination, physical activity releases endorphins and has been shown to be key in depression recovery. Take a few minutes to think how you can add 30 minutes of activity to your day – it doesn’t have to be all at once, or even every day. Even three ten-minute walks have been shown to improve feelings of well-being, so you could park a the ‘wrong’ end of the mall to where you are going; turn the music up and dance to your favourite tracks while no-one is watching; take your child on a nature walk in the park or on the beach. You don’t have to become a gym addict, which is good news for me as I am not great in gyms. And don’t beat yourself up if you don’t manage it every day, take note of how you do feel when you do manage to do some form of physical activity and remind yourself how good it feels after.

Finally, learn to live in the present a little more

You may have heard about mindfulness meditation. I was sceptical initially, until I started to research the benefits that have been scientifically proven. Practicing mindfulness, which in simple terms is consciously being in the present moment, not worrying about what might be or what has been, has been shown to increase brain activity in the left prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain that positive emotions are found. Take four or five minutes out of your day to just be. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and breath gently. Start with your toes and feel how your body is, how it is resting on the chair, then move up your body, listening to the sounds of your breath and keeping intrusive thoughts away. Feel how your heart rate and your breathing slow a little as you relax, before bringing yourself back to the present.

In the next blog we will look at five more areas that are known to improve life satisfaction and well-being.

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