
Love of learning is one of my signature strengths and my curiosity about the world is endless. Currently my main research interests are scuba diving, adventure, and positive psychology.

My most recent publications

  • Walker, P. A. & Kampman, H. (2021). ‘It didn’t bring back the old me but helped me on the path to the new me’: Exploring posttraumatic growth in British veterans with PTSD. Disability and Rehabilitation. DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2021.1995056
  • Kampman, H. & Walker. P. A. (in prep). Adventure, Posttraumatic Growth and Wisdom. In P. Reid & P. Brymer, (Eds.), Adventure Psychology: Going Knowingly into the Unknown. Oxford: Routledge.

For interviews, podcasts and blogs posted on external sites see

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